Dynamic Efficient Experienced

Industrial construction in Estonia and EU countries.

About us

AS Eesti Energomontaaž is a privately owned business entity whose history and experience goes back to the fifties of the past century. At a moment AS Eesti Energomontaaž is one amongst others the most dynamically developing companies in Estonia in the field of installation of process equipment, mounting of pipelines and management of construction projects

You can also view our company’s presentation

  • Usable area 3000m2
  • Machine shop – single-aisle building
  • Machine-assembly department – two-aisle building
  • Outdoor facility for assembly of large-size items
  • Cranes 5 t and 30 t
  • Machinery: lathes, milling and boring machines, and other equipment for mechanical work
  • Electric welding equipment (MIG, TIG)
  • Workshop for fabrication of fixings and parts for insulation
  • Indoor storage facility 450 m2

Perioodil 01.06.2022 – 31.12.2022 viiakse läbi Arendusosaku toetuse meetme raames projekt nr 2014-2020.4.04.21-2369 „ Keevisliidete testimine vastavalt EN ISO 15614" . Projekti eesmärgiks on välja töötatud voogu sirgendaja mudeli keevisõmbluste testimine vastavalt EN ISO 15614. Projekti kogumaksumus on 19 300 eurot, millest toetus on 13 510 eurot.

Projekt nr 2021-2027.6.01.24-0328 «Värvimistsehhi käivitamine»on saanud toetust Ida-Viru ettevõtluse investeeringute toetusmeetmest. Projekti eesmärgiks on metallitöötlemise teenuste sortimendi laiendamine tänu metallkonstruktsioonide värvimise osakonna käivitamisele. Projekti kaasrahastab Euroopa Liit summas kuni 685 080 eurot. Projekti perioodiks on ajavahemik: 04.04.2024 – 31.03.2026.


At AS Eesti Energomontaaž our expertise is in the manufacture, supply and installation of industrial equipment and specialized steel structures. Our highly experienced team ensures that our customers receive prompt and efficient service.

Fabrication of steel structures and service equipment

Installation of steel pre-fabs and process equipment

Mounting of piping

Fabrication and installation of vessels and tanks

Procurement of equipment for wastewater treatment plants

Insulation work

Thermal insulation of pipelines, equipment and tanks.



+372 35 66 120



Contact us!

Address: Sepa 4, Narva, 20306, ESTONIA
